The Journey

The process for a World Heritage bid involves-

  1. Prepare a state of readiness (i.e. complete the appropriate level of documentation) to enable South Australia to lobby for an entry on the Australian Tentative List to UNESCO.
  2. Place Australia Cornish Mining Sites: Burra and Moonta on the Australian Tentative List.
  3. Prepare the final Nomination Document and Management Plan and nominate for World Heritage Listing.

Only the Australian Government can nominate Australian places for entry on World Heritage List. After much work by the Consortium parties, in March 2023 the South Australian Government committed their support to the Australian Cornish Mining Sites: Burra and Moonta World Heritage Bid proposal.

The Regional Council of Goyder received the much anticipated notification from Deputy Premier Hon Susan Close MP advising that the government was in full support for the Tentative Listing process to commence. Minister Close has now written to the Hon Tanya Plibersek, Minster for Environment and Water to inform the Federal Government of the South Australia governments support and Outstanding Universal Value of the region.

What is next?

Tentative Listing:

The common feature of all properties inscribed on the World Heritage List is that they meet the requirements for Outstanding Universal Value (OUV).

A Statement of Outstanding Universal Value is a brief summary of why a World Heritage property is considered to be of international importance - its Outstanding Universal Value. It is the official statement adopted by the World Heritage Committee at the time a property is included on the World Heritage List.

The Statements of Outstanding Universal Value includes:

  • a summary of why the property was included on the World Heritage List

  • information on how the property meets the World Heritage criteria for which it has been listed - including examples of key attributes that contribute to the property’s Outstanding Universal Value

  • a statement of the property’s condition at the time of listing (referred to as 'integrity' for all properties and also ‘authenticity’ for cultural properties), and

  • requirements for its protection and management.

Barry Gamble has prepared a statement of Outstanding Universal Value which will be presented to the South Australian government for submission to the Australian Government for the Australian Cornish Mining Sites: Burra and Moonta to be included on the Australian Tentative list.

World Heritage Nomination:

The establishment of a working group made up of Consortium members will assist Barry Gamble to develop a Nomination Dossier.

This is a 300 page nomination document with 9 sections.

It will also include a number of management plans and annexes-

  • Conservation Management Plans for each site
  • A Regional Heritage Tourism Plan
  • An Interpretive Signage Plan
  • A Risk Management Plan
  • A Sustainability/Climate Change Plan

The development of the Nomination Dossier aims to be completed by August 2025.